Hi, I’m the Rev. Dr Steve Torr and I’m the new vicar at St Berteline and St Christopher’s Church, Norton. I started this new post near the beginning of January having moved from my previous post as Curate in a group of parishes near Stafford in the Midlands. I’m originally from Burton-on-Trent – home of beer and Marmite (of which I like neither) – I’m married to Holly and we have two young children. My post at St Bert’s is a part-time post as, during the rest of my working week, I am a tutor in Theology at, and manager of, a Church of England training college situated in Liverpool Cathedral, called St. Mellitus College North West. In my spare time (!) I like to go to the gym, swim, read, watch films and listen to music, as well as spend time with friends and family. I’m really looking forward to settling in to life in the parish and getting to know the people and the area.